Month Three: Isolated and Mandated

Hi there,
It isn't even the end of March and I am writing my blog post for my March book... or shall I say books!? That's right, I read two books this month and I already started my first book for April. So, quick recap/ update for those who don't know what's going on. In January I made a new year's resolution to read a book every month of 2019. For January I read Marriage Takes More Than Love by Jack and Carole Mayhall and for February I read Do More Better by Tim Challies. The links to each corresponding blog post are below if you'd like to catch up. 

To be honest, month one and two were a struggle. I finished the books at the very last minute and wrote their blog posts a week into the next month. I wasn't excited about the challenge and wasn't super motivated. I was just doing it because I made a resolution and I also knew it would get better. And it most definitely did. This month I got excited and motivated. I was on a roll and just wanted to keep the momentum. So, What did read?

For month three of my reading challenge, I read Isolated and Mandated by Jordy Leigh. Jordy Leigh is my older sister and has been writing far longer than I have. She has a blog too; . She started her blog first and I was the one to copy her. She published her first book, Isolated, way over a year ago. It's the first book in a series of four. Two of which have been published. I still hadn't read either of her published books (I know, I know!). So, I figured this reading challenge would be the perfect thing to motivate me to finally read them. And I did. I read the first two books of the series and here are my thoughts.

Visually, I think the books look fantastic! I think the covers were really well done. They go together super well and they look really professional and put together. I am proud to display them on my shelf. I also make an appearance in the books! More so, my sketches do. Jordy asked me to do some little sketches as day breaks and scene breaks. It's really cool to see them actually on the pages after all this time. I think it's a good looking book and I appreciate that!

It's a great story! Jordy has been working on these books for years now! How many I'm not quite sure. But, I do remember her reading the first version of the story to me as we rode the bus to school when I was back in 8th grade! She has worked so hard and diligently on these books and it has definitely paid off. The story is super interesting and I enjoyed reading it. 

This is not my genre of book. I don't really read survival. However, it is also suspense which I do enjoy. So, even though It's not my cup of tea I read it and enjoyed it. It just means I probably wouldn't have picked it for myself. Just like the first book I read, I don't think I am the target audience. Which is fine! I can still enjoy it and I did. With the first book, I could tell the Jordy was new to writing. I think, there were a few unnecessary paragraphs or details that seemed to be fillers. But, the writing greatly improved in the second book and I have heard that it gets even better with the third. 

So, I wouldn't have chosen this book for myself but I am so glad that I read it. I'm so incredibly proud of my sister and am so happy that I finally got around to reading the books she's put so much into. You can buy them as an ebook or a paperback through Amazon. The link is below if you're interested. As for my next read, I am currently reading Eyes Wide Open by Ted Dekker. After reading two books in three weeks I was so eager to jump straight into my next book. So, I did. I had already started reading this book a while back so I had a head start. I have one more book that I already started but never finished that I plan on reading this month too. So, hopefully, for month four of my reading challenge, I will read two books as well. That's the hope and dream and we'll see how it goes. Until next time,


Jordy Theriault said…
I was thrilled to read your post, Darcy! :) I'm so glad to be able to share my book with my dear sister, and your feedback is valuable to me. Thanks for putting your thoughts out there!

Also, you take some of the best pictures of my books!
Thank you Jordy for letting me be a part of this wonderful project of yours! It has been so fun to see is develope and grow over time. I loved taking the pictures of them and I'm so glad you like them as much as I do! Love you sister!

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