
Showing posts from October, 2018

Coming Home

Hi, My struggle with writing often is finding something I believe is meaningful. I no longer want to just state events that happened, even though I'm sure some want to hear my stories. I could easily just state the events of the past two and a half months since I have been absent from my blog. But I’m only going to tell you about one today; Re-entry and Reverse Culture Shock. The biggest thing that I have done these past few months has been moving across the globe. Here’s a quick recap of my travels of the past four and a half months to give you an idea of where I have been. Starting in July I spent a month in Japan. Then I was back in Cambodia for a month. We went to Malaysia for a week and a half a week. Once again back in Cambodia for only a week. Next stop was Australia for two weeks. Then Texas for another two weeks. Then I flew up to Montreal for a week. And finally, I have here in Cambridge, Ontario. “I’d have to say the business of the culture. It’