Bible School: the What and the Why

Hi there,
I was recently accepted into His Hill which is the Bible school located in Texas I was hoping on attending this Fall. This is very exciting news for me. However, often when I tell people that I am going to Bible school they don't quite understand what that means. So, today I thought it may be helpful for me to take some time to quickly explain what Bible school is and why I decided to go.

First, let's tackle the what. What is Bible school? His Hill is a Bible school, kids camp and retreat centre that is a member of Torchbearers International. Torchbearers International has 26 centres like His Hill all over the world including the one in England my parents met at, the one in Quebec my family worked at and the one in Japan my sister currently works at. They're all a little different but have the same goal; "To tell others about Jesus Christ and to disciple believers in what it means to be in Christ and to be indwelt by Christ." Bible school is a discipleship program type of thing. You don't leave with a diploma or degree. The focus is not academics but the pursuit of Christ. If I get all the finances I need I am hoping to go for two terms or a year. I will spend about 23 hours in class each week and will do outreach ministry in the surrounding communities as well. His Hill has about 40-50 students each year that live on campus. Many people use Bible school as a stepping stone from High-school out into college or a career. It's a good way to prepare yourself to live an effective Christian life wherever God may place you. For more information, I've included a few links at the end. 

So, then why? Why am I going to Bible school? Well, I guess it's always something I wanted to do. But as I've gotten older I have learned the incredible value in a time like this: A time set aside in one's life to solely focus on God and to prepare myself for all He has for me. I have been absolutely loving the time I've been spending in God's word. I was studying Isaiah 40 and I believe this one sentence puts it perfectly and simply.
"Behold your God!"
- Isaiah 40:9b (ESV)
I think there are some words we just read over and don't truly understand their meaning. The word behold is a beautiful word once you understand the depth of it. If you look is up Google will tell you it means to "see or observe (a thing or person, especially a remarkable or impressive one)." So, to Behold God isn't just to see Him. It is to observe and watch Him because He is especially remarkable and impressive. To behold Him has a tone of awe and wonder in it. Because we cannot just give God a passing glance. We are to behold Him, to see His greatness and beauty and power, to observe His character and glory. Spurgeon expressed this beautifully in one of his sermons. "It has been said by someone that "The proper study of mankind is man." I will not oppose the idea, but I believe it is equally true that the proper study of God's elect is God: the proper study of a Christian is the Godhead. The highest science, the loftiest speculation, the mightiest philosophy which can ever engage the attention of a child of God is the name, the nature, the person, the work, the doings and the existence of the great God whom he calls father." I am going to Bible school to behold my God whom I call father. 

That's all I have for you today. I hope this was interesting, inspiring and/or helpful for you all. And please, if you have any questions about anything at all comment them below and it will be my pleasure to answer them. This was a short and sweet little blog post. God bless and until next time,



Jordy Theriault said…
I'm late to the party here in responding to this post, but I wanted to say that I LOVED reading your thoughts on what it means to really behold God. It takes slowing down in life, doesn't it? I think of this song:
Darcy-Rea said…
Thanks Jordy! I love that song. I think it's so beautiful. I was actually sitting in church today when the pastor started talking about the word 'behold' in 1 Kings 19 when Elija heard God's voice on Mount Sinai. That just made my heart happy. It's so cool when you study something personally and then you have a conversation, bible study or sermon on the same thing!

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