A Litle Reminder for Christmas 2020

Hi there,

I want to start this post by saying merry Christmas to you wherever you may be in the world right now and no matter how you may be celebrating this year. I know that this holiday season looks different for so many of us. So, as I prepare to spend my first Christmas with my husband and my third away from my family, here are some thoughts to hopefully encourage you. 

I was having a conversation with my sister about Christmas and how it looks different this year, and she reminded me of something really important. All credit goes to her for this one!  She reminded me that Christmas is about Christ! Therefore, nothing can take Christmas away from us.

Christmas is all about Christ, and we can celebrate Him no matter where we are or who we are with. It’s always more fun to celebrate with our friends and family over a full plate of homemade food. However, may this Christmas season be filled with louder worship, deeper prayers, and more gratitude than usual as we have the time and space to focus on the reason for the season!

Christmas is for rejoicing in the birth of our savior Jesus Christ. Christmas is for praising God for providing for us through His son. Christmas is for remembering our deep and desperate need for Him! May we not forget this this Christmas.

John 1:14

And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us; and we saw His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

This morning, I was also reminded of one of my most favorite Christmas songs. It’s titled Real by Nichole Nordeman, and it is beautiful. The first time I heard it was years ago when I lived in Cambodia with my family, and I just remember melting to the floor and crying. Now I listen to it every year, and it still brings me to tears.

It’s all about how the birth of Jesus was just that—real. It’s about how Mary and Joseph were real people and so is Jesus! It’s humbling, and it really brings things into perspective. It’s about the things that are portrayed in our nativity scenes, plays, and picture books. It’s about the shame that Mary must have felt and the fear that must have lived in Joseph’s heart. Yet they obeyed! They did as God asked them to despite everything they must have gone through. It jars me every time I listen to it!

Here are some lyrics, and I’ve linked to the song if you’d like to give it a listen!

Frozen statues in the cold, washed in moonlight blue and gold.

Mary's babe in plastic cape, quiet wonder on her face.

Mary, you look so serene, far too pretty, much too clean.

We might think we know you well, but what stories would you tell?

Of all the dirt and dust and shame, every burning labor pain,

And as I turn to walk away, I hear you say...

I am real.

Don't turn me into memory or myth.


That’s all I have for you today. I hope this was of some encouragement to you. Please know that you are loved and known wherever you are this month.

Merry Christmas to you and all your friends and family. May this time be of great blessing to you! 

Until next time, friends,

Darcy-Rea Rogers


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