Why I Blog

Hi there,
As I think we all know, I often have difficulties thinking of ideas of what to write here. I really do enjoy writing. But my struggle comes when I try to think about what others want to read about and what I want to write about. I was talking to somebody about this struggle the other week when they asked me "Well, why did you start your blog in the first place?" This was a very good valid question that has since helped me to figure out what to write about. 

My reasons for blogging have changed over the lifespan of it. So then, why did I start my blog in the first place over three years ago? There were a few reasons. I first got the inspiration from my sister who has a blog of her own. But, it was a little more than just copying her. My very first blog post was written in April of 2016 and this is what it said.
"I decided to make this blog (1) to Show people my creativity through my photos and (2) to give you a look into our life in Cambodia. I hope you enjoy."
I've been having so much fun with photography recently!

At the age of fifteen, I started this blog to have a place to share my photos and to help those back home follow along with our adventures in Cambodia where we had recently moved. It was a very simple purpose and it made the format of my blog very simple as well. If you look back on my first posts they were just a couple of photos and maybe a paragraph or two describing the story behind them. Now, after some time of blogging, I really don't like how my blog used to look. However much I don't like those posts I'm going to keep them because my reasons for blogging have changed since then.

Then the next question would be "Why do I blog now?" Those same two reasons are now a part of a longer list. I now blog to share my creativity (Photos and Words) but also to share my thoughts. I blog to help others be able to keep up with my crazy life. My life is kind of all over the place. So, my blog gives me a place to keep people informed. I don't want to delete my old blog posts because I want to be able to look back at them in the years to come. So, my blog is also a place to record things for the future. It's a place to store my favourite photos, best thoughts and coolest stories. It will be so cool to be able to look back over them all in ten years!

I've been also absolutely loving the warm spring weather!

So, that's why I do what I do. That's why I do this. With this question answered I think I'll be able to think of blog post ideas much easier in the future. If you ever have something you want to hear me write about or if you ever have a question please just let me know because suggestions and questions are always welcomed. This is a place for me to share and you to learn and/or stay informed. My hope is that my readers always leave having learned something or having been inspired. With that, I will leave you to attend an appointment at the bank. Until next time,


Hosanna Emily said…
Darcy, I enjoyed reading the purpose behind your posts! It's vital to have a direction in sight. Your photography is lovely, and I so like how you use the captured moments in life to be an encouragement to others! God has such a plan for you! ♥

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