Month Two: Do More Better

Hi there,
February is officially over now and March has begun. For month two of this year, I read Do More Better by Tim Challies. I actually procrastinated and read it over the past week and a half. It has 108 pages and ten chapters plus 11 pages of bonus content. So, it's really not a very long or large book. But, it was pretty good and here's why.

The book is 'a practical guide to productivity'. It gives you a Christ centred perspective and guidance on productivity. the first few chapters are about what it means to be productive and why we should be and why? 
"Productivity is effectively stewarding your gifts, talents, time, energy and enthusiam for the good of others and the glory of God." 
-Tim Challies
The next few chapters are about defining your responsibilities and your mission. This is super helpful because it helped me to see exactly what I have on my plate which really helps in knowing how to be productive in my specific life. We all have very different and unique lives so productivity will look slightly different for each of us. The rest of the book about three tools, how to use them in a system and how to maintain the system. This is where I come to my first and biggest con. 

The book presents one system for productivity. Which is great! It's a great system. However, this method may not work for everyone in every stage of life. I think it works great for people with many areas of responsibility and a busy schedule. As for me, I only use part of the system because or else it's just too much to maintain. If this system works for you that's amazing because the book will cover all its ins and outs. But, because I only chose to use parts of it much of the end of the book was irrelevant to me. 

However, I am still really glad I read it. The majority of this book was tremendously helpful. It was a quick book to read. This book is not a light read though. You cannot casually take it out and read a page here and there as I often do. It is a book that requires your full attention, and at times, action as well. It forced me to change the way I read which I am not opposed to. 
"Your primary pursuit in productivity is not doing more things, but doing more good." 
-Tim Challies 
For the month of March, I am reading Isolated by Jordy Leigh, my sister! I am already six chapters in. So, if I finish it early I will also read its sequel, Mandated. It's about time I read these books and this challenge of reading a book a month this year gave me the perfect excuse to finally do it. My sister also has a blog! You can click here to give it a read if you'd like. Until next time,

1. Challies, T. (2015). Do more better. Minneapolis, MN: Cruciform Press.


Jordy Theriault said…
Well, I for one am looking forward to your month three book review/thoughts. No pressure, of course. ;) I love you and I love hearing about what's been going into your mind recently. <3

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