Seas of Purple

Hi there, friends,

Last week, Sarah had the wonderful idea of booking us some tickets for a nearby lavender farm named Terre Bleu. They’re only letting in a limited amount of people, so you have to buy tickets in advance to reserve your spots. The way it works is that you book a time slot—ours was 3 pm to 4 pm—but, you can stay as long as you want. We dressed up a little, semi-coordinating our outfits to take some pretty photos. So on Wednesday afternoon (July 15th), when Katie woke up from her nap, we packed up and made the 30-minute drive to the farm.

We arrived right on time. A lovely lady greeted us and gave us a few safety instructions related to Covid. Her twin sister checked us in and gave us maps. Included was a scavenger hunt. There was a list of questions, and you could find the answers on information signs scattered around the farm. If you got all the questions right, you earned 10% off in their store at the end!

Terre Bleu consists of two farms, A and B. We started at Farm A, which has two lavender fields open to the guests. We went past the first field, which was pretty busy. You have to take this cute trail through the woods to get to the second lavender field. On the trail, there’s a yellow bench sitting smack in the middle of the forest, which makes for some pretty cool photos! The second field has an iconic yellow door that stands in the middle of the sea of lavender. Thankfully it wasn’t too busy when we arrived, so we didn’t have to stand in line for too long to take photos. As we were leaving, though, the crowds were building. We took some cute photos at the yellow door before moving on to a circle sculpture at the other end of the field for more photos.

First Photo is Sarah's
First Photo is Sarah's

We returned to the first field, which we’d initially passed by, where they have a distillery, herb patch, and bee boxes. They use these to make lavender products. We completed the scavenger hunt and then headed to the store with our 10% discount. There, Katie picked out a lavender-infused bear as her souvenir, and we got a gift for a family member’s birthday. When booking our tickets, Sarah had bought a gift package for us both, which included a pint of lavender ice-cream and a little bottle of hand sanitizer—lavender, of course. With each ticket, you also get a bottle of lavender bubbly water. We knew our ice-cream wouldn’t last all the way home so we went to Farm B to eat it.

At Farm B, we walked by another field of lavender to a spot called The Ruins, which is the remnant of an old farm building that now houses lots of seating. We sat and enjoyed our delicious lavender treats before heading over to an archway covered in vines. Next to the lavender field at Farm B, there’s also a sunflower field due to bloom sometime in August, which we may return to see. We took a few last photos before calling it a day.

Last Photo is Sarah's

My verdict: If you are in the area, I’d highly recommend a visit to Terre Bleu! It would make a great date, wedding venue, or family/engagement photos spot. It smells amazing and looks magical, and it captured the attention of all three of us at different ages and with varying attention spans! To book tickets you must join their mailing list. I have an abundance of photos from the trip, and I’ve been sharing them all week on my Instagram.

The price of Terre Bleu has been raised a little due to the limited amount of people they’re allowing in, but I think the $25-$35 was worth it. Sarah and I agree that having fewer people was nicer, even though it’s harder for the company. It meant we could get photos free of strangers and could keep our distance. Masks were mandatory in the shop but not outside.

Sarah also wrote a blog post about the experience. You can click here to read it. For more information about the farm, here’s the website. Thank you so much for following along this little adventure, and I hope you join me for the next one too!

Until next time,


Thank you so much Sarah for this one!


Hosanna Emily said…
Darcy, these pictures so brightened my day! What beauty! Your photography is lovely, and I enjoyed the moments captured in this post. 💜 God's given you a gift! Thanks for sharing, girl!

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