Quarantine 101

Hey there,
I'm writing this to you from quarantine.  I'm on day 12 which means I'm done in just over two days! I have been staying with one of my roommates in London, Ontario so we could quarantine together before I move onto my next stop which is my friend Kendra's house. I have been inside this house for 12 days straight and I know there are people out there who are in the same boat as me. So I thought I would write about how I am coping with the isolation.

Firstly, I must say that I am super blessed to be with Miranda right now. It makes being away from His Hill and being isolated a lot easier. It means that we get to do things together instead of alone. I know not everyone is close with the people they're trapped with but I would highly suggest doing things with people instead of alone; watch movies, play cards, do face masks, bake, etc. It makes normal things a lot less boring for me at least. We just play some music and clean or cook. And who knows, maybe you'll come out the other side closer than before. But, remember alone time is important! This was a struggle for some people at His Hill where there are people everywhere you go. But, I personally found it really important to have some time alone weather that meant a long shower or closing myself in the closet or walking a trail. Don't over isolate but also don't suffocate yourself with people... Balance.

Another thing that I have noticed since being here is that it is so easy to fall out of communication with the people you love. It's so easy to become so preoccupied with my little bubble that soon enough I realise that I haven't talked to my old roommates in a week or my family in two. It's easy to forget to communicate when they aren't physically around you. I personally have made a list of people I want to call and catch up with. We may not be able to go out and get coffee or go on a hike or go to a farmers market or swim in the lake. But, we can both cuddle up with a blanket or sit on the back porch and chat for a bit. Don't forget about the people you love who are far away in times like these... Especially grandparents! You may not know how much they appreciate a ten-minute phone call. My grandparents haven't seen anyone in weeks so a call here and there is so valuable to them.

Now, how does one stay busy? I have classes which fill up a good amount of my day. Noe, if you don't have work or school to do from home what better time to pursue a passion!? Ever wanted to get into photography? There are some great online courses out there! Try that new recipe you've had on your Pinterest for ages. Wanted to get healthy but never had the time to work out? Now's the time. Been thinking about painting? Look up some YouTube videos. Try some new makeup and hairdos. Is that spare bedroom a mess? Tidy, organise, paint, rearrange the furniture. Get more into what you love! We have such a unique opportunity of completely free days so I just pray that we don't waste this time that we have been given. We finally have the time to do all those things we always said we didn't have the time for.

Stay healthy too! It is so tempting to eat out of boredom. Or lay in bed all day and do nothing but watch Netflix until 2am. But this is such a toxic habit to get into. When we have nothing planned for us it's so easy to get into a routine of nothing at all. And this is why I love lists! I try to write myself a list of things to do during the day or week like classes, doing my taxes, calling people, laundry, stuff that must be done. And then I write another list of things to do when I have free time. Such as writing a blog post, reading a book, reorganising my closet, writing letters, colouring. That way as soon as I have some free time I know exactly what to do and I don't default to Netflix. Don't get me wrong though! I watch my fair share of Netflix but I try to limit it to after dinner when all the work has been done. Another way I personally make sure I will be productive during the day is to have a routine. Get up at this time, eat breakfast, do my devotions, do classes, etc. It stops me from sleeping in until 11:00. My routine always begins with getting dressed and making my bed. This tells my brain that I am working today and not lounging around my pyjamas. It helps me to feel like I'm working. All this may not work for everyone but it sure works for me!

This is a time of so much unrest, anxiety, uncertainty and fear. But, as children of God, we have the option of choosing rest and joy and gratitude. We get to spend more time with our families, we get to spend more time doing the things we love. And we get more time to spend in God's word. This is a unique time in history and we get a unique opportunity to show the world Christ through it. Paul was grateful to go through hardships (Colossians 1:24) because through hardships we get to show the world tye unique love, joy and peace that is spoken about in the Bible. Our hardships become a way for us to show Christ to people. What an honour and blessing that is!


Jordy Leigh said…
What great, actionable tips, Darcy! I'm reading this pretty late after the fact, but six days later people are still quarantining and it's still relevant . . . and who knows how long it will continue to be relevant? I love your point about keeping a routine to train your body and your mind to know it's not a lounge-around-in-my pajamas day.

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