Why I decided to stay in Cambodia

Hey there,
"Finally another blog post!" I know. I'm mad at me too. But, the past few months have been crazy and crazy amazing. So, here I am to finally tell you all about it and a very important decision I made during that time. Warning; this is a long catch-up post! 

Firstly, what on earth have I been up to these past few months? A whole lot! Firstly we have been busy hosting teams, which I absolutely love doing! We had the Gap squad in September and October. Then, three 11n11 teams for the month of November. Now we have another Gap squad for January and February. Why does this make me busy? Well, I have now been employed to cook for them all! It's so much fun and I love it so much. It's such a rewarding job. Each week I get two people to come with me to plan, shop for and cook all our meals. I get to know different people each week. I get to learn new things about food each week. And I get to show new people the back roads and cool quirks of this awesome city. I get the privilege of feeding all our hard-working volunteers so they can then go out and do what they do. I feel incredibly blessed by all this and I can't wait to keep doing it.
Three 11n11 teams we had in November
This also means that my off days are filled with coffee dates and adventure days, catching up on laundry and cleaning my room for the first time in weeks, shopping trips and planning for the next week. Off days are some of my favourite days because I get to hang out and get to know people that I don't necessarily get to during the week. 

I also got another job. In the afternoons I work as a part-time nanny for a French Family here in Battambang. I go to their house for 3-1.5 hours each weekday and take care of their three crazy boys (3,5 and 7). It's a demanding job but I've learnt to love it. I get to feed them, play with them, take them to music class, friends' houses and swimming. We watch movies wrapped in blankets, colour masterpieces and pretend to be knights in shining armour.  They've stretched my French skills, my imagination and my patience but all of those things are good to be stretched every now and again. I, once again, feel incredibly blessed to have this job. 
Gabrielle, age 3, after swimming one day
Secondly, you may remember me talking about leaving Cambodia once I graduated high-school (I graduated in November). And you may be wondering what I've chosen to do with myself now that I could do almost anything, freedom is at my fingertips. The mission field maybe? College abroad perhaps? Or potentially just going home? well, I finally made the decision to stay right here in Cambodia. Why? Here's the story...

So, I tried to do all kinds of things, go all kind of places; Thailand, Mongolia, Lebanon. But each time God closed the door. So I kept looking. Eventually, I decided to go live with the family of some of our missionary friends who live in Canada. I had a time, March, and I had a place to stay. I was looking at plane tickets and jobs. I was going to get my drivers license and what I thought was freedom. The last step of the move was to get a new Canadian passport. We booked the bus tickets down to Phnom Penh, where the Canadian embassy is. And that night I had a little bit of a meltdown. Suddenly it all became very real. and suddenly I realised I didn't actually want to go. There are 4 reasons why I finally decided just to stay here.
  1. When I was thinking about what to do after school I wanted to fill a need. I wanted to help people. Moving back to Canada was more about me. Me gaining me independence. Whereas, being here I am filling two needs with the jobs I have. 
  2. I wouldn't actually be that independent and I actually more independent here. I would, at least at first, be very dependant on those who would be hosting me to get anywhere or do anything. I wouldn't have a job at first either. Here, I can fully support myself and I can drive. I also, don't live with my parents anymore (Just next door though). 
  3. Moving was more of other people's decision for me than my own. It seemed like the right move to everybody. Therefore, I just went with it. I thought that they must all be right. When faced with reality I finally realised that it wasn't my own decision but the decision of those around me. Staying was my decision. 
  4. It would have cost me over $1'000 to get to Canada. Once there I have 6 months guaranteed stay with the family that is hosting me. After that, we would have discussed where I'm at and if I'd stay. It would be a long way to go and a lot of money to have spent to then find out I didn't want to be there. 
Some of our amazing students
So, I'm staying here and I'm so excited and at peace with the decision. Since I made that decision I have appreciated what I would have been giving up. There as so many unique experiences I get to have living here and doing what I do. I'm so grateful for every moment that God has given me here and it took me leaving to realise just how much I love it here. I'm excited to see how God continues to use me during my time here and what He continues to teach me during my time here. The adventures in Cambodia will continue! As for now, that's all I have for you. Thank you for reading and God bless!

P.S. Here are a few extra pictures! :)
Cambodian countryside from a mountaintop. 

My cute sister at a lunch date. 

Some of our cutie students before the Christmas concert. 

Second-hand clothes shopping one off day. 


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