Why I haven't written in Forever... (A.K.A 5 Months)

So, I'm finally writing again!It's been five months since my last post and this is well overdue. But why? Why did it take me all this time to write another post? Why haven't I written and what have I been doing all this time? Well, you're in luck because that's exactly what I'm going to write about today.

First of all, Thailand happened. In April my family and I left Cambodia for two and a half weeks to vacation in Thailand. We had been here for two years and a break was in need. It was amazing, relaxing and well worth it. We spent a whole lot of time in the water and the sun plus plenty of down time in the air conditioning reading and relaxing. We went kayaking, snorkelling, hiking and just general adventuring. But when the time was up we were happy to get to go back home to our kids and our centre. Our time away helped us to see why we do what we do and just how much we love it all. And then...

Teams happened. We've had quite a few teams, interns and guests come through in the past few months. We had two World Race teams come. The first took over our centre while we were in Thailand. The other was here in May. So they came one after the other which kept us quite busy. A friend of ours from Austria and her new husband came for four days on their honeymoon to visit us. My cousin, Chantal, from Australia came for a week at the same time as our intern from France, Victor. It was so good to have extra help and to make new friends. It is very refreshing to have new people come and help us. The kids love them too!

Moving and Ezra happened next. At the end of May, we moved. Our old house was too small to house all of our classes and teams so we upgraded. It is a double apartment that is very spacious. The kids like all the new space and have made it home. We have also left our old organisation, all on good terms, and become independent. Ezra is the new name of our learning centre. We have lost some kids in the move and changes but we have gained more. We now have about one hundred kids come through every day with four class slots; 8:00 am- 9:00 am, 4:00 pm- 4:45 pm, 5:00 pm- 6:00 pm, 6:15 pm- 7:00 pm. There have been struggles of being on our own but it has also been a blast being on our own.

And lastly, life happened! I have been helping with Ezra and will be teaching for a month while one of our teachers are away. I've been cooking. I cook every dinner for my family plus some lunches and breakfasts which have kept me occupied. I volunteer at the hospital twice a week to help make cards to raise money for the program there. I'm in my last year of school and have been working on that. The school work will only get harder and more intense from here. So, I'm sorry I haven't been around a lot lately but You may not see a lot of me for a little while still. I'll try to write more often than every five months but no guarantees. My first priority is here with my family, friends, students and school work. However, there are other ways you can keep up with life in Cambodia. 

Instagram: darcy_rea
I usually upload twice a day and sometimes three times a day. It's the daily life type of things that are posted there and feel free to follow me there to see my life in photos on a daily basis.

Facebook: Ezra Facebook Page
Our centre, Ezra, has a Facebook page that you can follow. My mother regularly posts photos and video of our centre and its going-ons such as assemblies and teams. 

Here a two Youtube channels. One is mine and the other belongs to my mum. Neither of us post often but there are a few video already up if you want to watch them.



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