Floating Village and World Race

Hi everyone,
This past week has been amazing! Our first ever World Race team arrived on Thursday and let me tell you... They are amazing! There are seven of them; three boys and four girls all from the US. We love them all. They are such an understanding, kind hard working team and we have enjoyed having them so much thus far.
Then on Friday they helped us host our first ever Youth Group! We had about 26 kids come to our house. The team sang a few songs then Brittni bravely gave our first youth group message every and did a wonderful job! She told the kids about the reason we as Christians celebrate Christmas and why Advent is so important to us. We played a games and had some snacks too. Some of the kids asked questions and Mum and Rose, our translator, answered them as best they could. The kids had some fantastic questions and I'm sure many of them will come back again next week.
Today we went on a little adventure! We went out to our friends house which is a 2-3 hour boat rise on a floating village. But the adventure started before we even got onto the boat. We have both sets of keys to the yard to teacher who were going to fill our spots. Then in the middle of breakfast this morning Mum suddenly realized that we had actually locked our selves in  our yard! We had locked the gate last night and had no keys! We finally got the keys by Yannick sitting on the fence for half an hour until Chhady, a teacher, rode by the house at 6:15 on her way to work. She very kindly went home and unlocked us from our silly mistake.

We boarded the boat at around 7:30 and arrived around 10:30. We got to do some crafts with some kids before they had to head off to school. we ate some lunch and then told the remaining kids about ourselves and about Job from the Bible. We did a craft with them and they did a dance to finish out stay.

We got back on the boat around 2:00 and arrived home around 4:30. It was an amazing trip but an exhausting trip. Exhausting in a satisfying kind of a way. I'm so glad I got to go out and visit the kids and I'm so glad the team got to come with us. We had a blast!
That's all for today! I'm sure there are many more adventures coming in the near future.
God bless,



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